Sustainability Programme (SP)
Under the new Hospital Support Services Concession Agreement, we provide additional services under a Sustainability Programme. This programme focuses on Indoor air quality, energy management and the principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3Rs).
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is essential for a healthy indoor environment in safeguarding the health of the building occupants and contributes to their comfort and well-being. IAQ is especially important in regards to the environments within the healthcare facilities, whereby the patients within the facility as well as the staff caring for them, are directly impacted by the quality of air inside the building. In our efforts to improve IAQ within the healthcare facilities, we identify any potential health hazards and maintain IAQ within acceptable levels according to safe working condition. We conduct monthly walk through inspection, perform regular IAQ assessment and deliver solutions for rectification in preventing Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).
Energy Management (EM)
Sedafiat Sdn. Bhd. establishes, implements, maintains and continually improve on "Efficient Management of Electrical Energy" of the contracted hospitals under its provision, in accordance with the regulatory requirements. We provide Sustainable Energy Management Programme for all hospitals and examine potential sources of renewable energy to implement renewable energy project and action plan that includes measurement and documentation for continuous improvement. Our team of engineers under the Sustainable Energy Management Programme provides technical advice that relates to the operation and maintenance of major engineering systems in ensuring the hospital’s energy wastages is minimized, as part of energy conservation target.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R)
As the foundation for sustainable waste management, the concept of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R) provides an environmentally friendly alternative in dealing with the increasing number of wastes generated at the hospitals. Under the Sustainability Programme, Sedafiat Sdn. Bhd. establishes, implements and monitors the 3R Programme in all the contracted hospitals under its provision towards achieving a five percent of waste reduction. We conducted various awareness programmes and campaigns throughout the hospitals, as well as provide collection centres for recyclable items, in our efforts to reduce solid wastes and instil 3R culture among the hospital occupants.